
The Washington School Board chose to move forward last week with an application for enhanced financial authority. The district will submit an application for allowable growth to the State School Budget Review Committee to receive real-time funding authority based on numbers from this year’s enrollment that show increases in student population across three categories. In certified enrollment, the numbers are up 10 and a half students. For open enrollment out, the district is up nearly 48 students and in the limited English proficient instruction category, the district has 35 eligible students. This week, Washington Superintendent Willie Stone spoke with KCII News to break down the numbers and what the application means for the district. He said, “It allows us to get on time funding for the kids that are here this year that weren’t here last year. That increased enrollment allows us to capitalize on that money a year quicker, instead of having to wait a year to get to it. We can increase our spending authority with that. It allows us to ask for funding for those dollars to able to help our students and district. So when we get that bill, we’re able to pay it.”

According to documents from the district regarding the application, the requested amount for increased enrollment is $75,883, the requested amount for open enrollment out is $337, 599 and the requested amount for limited English proficient instruction is $53,479, leaving a total SBRC ask of $466,961 by the district. This application is due to the state committee by December 1st.