The Mid-Prairie School Board met in regular session on Monday, November 28. The meeting began with the Hawk Highlight presented by Superintendent, Brian Stone. Stone spoke to the board about the Care Solace Program, a mental health initiative being implemented in the district. It is designed to support students in the areas of social and emotional well-being.
Following the Hawk Highlight, the board met with state legislators Heather Hora and Dawn Driscoll to discuss issues of concern for the district. These included the school voucher program, teacher retention, and apprenticeship programs for teachers and students.
Conversations were continued regarding the long-term facilities plan. While projects are still being prioritized, the goal of the board is to develop a referendum for September of next year, and an additional referendum for November of 2023 or March of 2024.They are also working on establishing a Facilities Task Force.
After reviewing finances, the board moved to a closed session to review the progress made by Superintendent Stone in relation to the goals given to him upon his hiring.
The Mid-Prairie Board of Education’s next meeting will be Monday, December 12 at 6:15 p.m. in the Central Office Community Room.