At the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, the YMCA of Washington County requested funding from the board. The Y wants to write a grant to Enhance Iowa that would request $845,000 that would go to the fundraising efforts of their pool project. In order to begin the grant writing process, The Y needs $10,000 in support from the community, in this case, the Board of Supervisors, to be able to apply for the grant. The board decided that they would support The Y with a commitment of $2,000 a year for the next five years. “I make a motion for the fund request for the YMCA of Washington County for the Washington Community Y Pool Project for $10,000 to be paid $2,000 a year for the next five years.” Another stipulation for being able to write the grant for Enhance Iowa is that 65% of the funds already had to be raised for the project, which The Y has done.