The 20th annual KCII Washington HyVee Caring Christmas Food Drive Live Radiothon is Wednesday. KCII is looking for your help filling up the shelves of food banks in Southeast Iowa. Station Manager Joe Nichols tells KCII News more about why this is a needed fundraiser, “The main thing to me is how do we create more awareness and help those in need? I think it’s 1 out of 9 that has some sort of food insecurity, and a heavy amount of that is children; I think that is the children. I think it’s 1 out of 14 people in the state of Iowa, and 1 out of 9 of those are kids or something to that effect. Whatever it is, we’ve got people that are, when we go down, say; we go out to eat dinner or something. There’s somebody around us that is having some sort of an issue. Or we go to the grocery store or whatever; somebody’s having some kind of a problem. They don’t like to talk about it; most people are proud and that sort of thing; it’s not something that they are always necessarily looking forward to. But we want to create awareness so that we can help our neighbors and help those in need and make our community a better place to live.” You can help the cause by calling 319-653-KCII, or by visiting and pressing the big red button to make a monetary donation to local food banks. KCII will be live from 10 to noon and 1-5p.m. The Big Red Radio will be broadcasting live from your Washington HyVee from 3-5pm. Tune in to hear from many of the local businesses and organizations who are participating.