
The Washington County Board of Supervisors met yesterday in regular session. With the relocation of County Attorney Gish to the office of new Secretary of State Brenna Bird in Des Moines as Assistant Attorney General for Victim Services, the Board had to make a decision in regards to how to fill that role, either with a special election or by appointment of the Board. Supervisor Seward brought this to the board, “I think we ought to advertise for applicants and appoint, and I think what that would entail would be to authorize the auditor and HR to advertise for the opening. I suspect we would give it at least two weeks from the time of publication to the time the application process would close. Then my vision would be that the chair appoints two individuals from this board to review the applications that are received and narrow it down to three or four that this board could interview as a whole.” Until the process of appointment begins, the board voted to have Tony Janney, Assistant County Attorney moved from a part time position to a full time position to help with the transition that will happen after Gish leaves the office. This action was recommended by Gish.