On the Washington Board of Supervisors, agenda Tuesday was the discussion and action regarding a remodeling feasibility study of the Federation Bank building. Supervisor Marcus Fedler proposed that the company Encite Architecture & Design perform the study. Encite is the company that was hired for the proposed renovations to the Washington County Courthouse and Orchard Hill. Fedler states, “Reached out to Encite to see if maybe they would have some interest in providing it, and luck would have it, Luke with Encite had been doing work with Federation Bank on that building to do some remodeling and the layout and so on. So he already has some digital footprint. So he can take the work and kind of tetris it into that space.” The Board voted 5-0 for the feasibility study to be performed at the Federation Bank Building. Given that Encite already has a good portion of information, Supervisor Fedler estimated that they should have the results of that study within about two weeks. The final decision has not been made by the board as to the direction that the remodeling project will take at any location.