The Jefferson County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session on Monday, January 23. Proceedings begin at 8 a.m. with individual department heads to discuss the budget for the 2024 fiscal year.
As part of the weekly board meeting, supervisors plan to speak with the Jefferson County Engineer, before considering a resolution providing for the financial support of the Area 15 Regional Planning Commission. The commission serves as an advisory board to the county on planning and development matters.
The board will determine whether or not to move forward on a building located at 1900 West Burlington in Fairfield. Hopes are to utilize the building, although a specific use has not yet been determined. They plan to meet with Mike Nolan from Horizon Architecture and visit the site on Wednesday, January 25.
At 9 a.m. Monday, a public hearing will be held regarding road reclassification. The board will discuss and consider a resolution for the establishment of service “C” roads.
The morning’s meetings will conclude at 10 a.m. with a work session.