The Mid-Prairie School Board met in regular session on Monday, January 23. Caedyn Huston, an eighth grade student, provided this week’s Hawk Highlight, presenting on a Civil War battle and fielding questions from those in attendance. In an additional Hawk Highlight, the board was recognized and celebrated for School Board Appreciation Month by Superintendent Brian Stone.
Administration reports were presented. The Student Services department at the high school is beginning work on the 2023-24 master schedule. The Virtual Academy had one early graduate at semester break, with three students returning to in-person learning at the high school. Four new students have joined the Virtual Academy, which saw 28 high school credits earned during Semester 2.
The board set a public hearing date for the Mid-Prairie Middle School and East Elementary additions and renovations, as well as the high school track reconstruction. Those will take place at the next board meeting on Monday, February 13. OPN, an architectural firm out of Cedar Rapids and Iowa City was hired by the board, and will communicate with the district on future projects.
A stipend for new bus drivers was increased from $500 to $1,000. Superintendent Stone tells KCII he is grateful for the work done so far, but hopes that this incentive will add more drivers for the district. “We greatly appreciate Teresa Hartley as our Transportation Director and all the bus drivers that we have. They do a fabulous job,” he said. “There’s just always a need for additional drivers.”
The Mid-Prairie School Board of Education’s next meeting will be held on Monday, February 13 at 6:15 p.m. in the Central Office Community Room.