
The Sigourney National Honor Society is hosting their annual Pennies for Patients event.  Students, staff, and community members have until Friday, February 10th  to donate to the cause. 

Collection buckets have been placed in the high school lobby, each with the picture of a participating teacher or coach. NHS members will also collect donations at the basketball games on Tuesday, January 31. The event culminates with a pep rally assembly on February 10, with the staff member whose bucket received the most donations getting a pie to the face. 

This year’s proceeds will benefit the VA Central Iowa Healthcare System. Sigourney senior, and President of the NHS, Macy Fisch decided this year’s recipient. Explaining her choice, Fisch tells KCII, “I just think it’s really important to give back to those who gave everything and risked everything for us. They served our country, so now I think it’s our time to do what we can to serve them.”

Sigourney has held the event for over 20 years. Last year, they were able to raise over $1,000, the most in the event’s history.