A Hunter Safety course will be offered at the Langwood Education Center in Wapello on Thursday, March 9 from 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, March 11 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The free course is available for youth 11 years of age or older.
Students must attend both classes in order to become certified. The course includes classroom lessons as well as live fire and shooting demonstrations. Iowa residents born after January 1, 1972 must complete a hunter education course to obtain a hunting license.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources offers three other options for obtaining a hunter education certificate, including an online class plus a field day for youth 16 years or older. The class on Saturday March 11 would qualify as the field day. An online-only option is available for adults over 18 years old. The final option is a dual hunter education and handgun safety course. Open to adults 21 years or older, the course covers the requirements for hunter education and conceal carry in Iowa. There is a fee for all online courses.
Limited spots are available for all four options, with registration required. To register, visit license.gooutdoorsiowa.com. With questions, contact Louisa County Conservation Director, Katie Hammond, at conservation@louisacountyia.gov, or 319-523-8381.