The Washington City Council met Tuesday in regular session. The meeting began with an item, not on the agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Millie Youngquist read a statement from Mayor Rosien, “I am the Mayor Pro Tem, and I have a statement to read to you tonight. This is dated Monday, February 6th. Council, in light of individual conversations with you about what you feel would be best, I respectfully offer my formal leave of absence without pay. Pending a resolution of the charges that have been made against me, Jaron Rosien.” The Council had a statement prepared in response to Rosien’s. Youngquist then stated, “We accept this leave of absence, and it is our expectation that this leave means that Mr. Rosien will no longer be leading or attending meetings with the city or acting on behalf of the City of Washington in any way. This message is to all the citizens of Washington. I think I can speak for all of our council that we deeply regret recent events. But we cannot allow elected officials, or any other person working for or representing the city, to behave in ways that are illegal, unethical, or immoral. Whether alleged, or pending, of those offenses. We will work together to keep the city government of Washington afloat, balanced, and going in a forward direction. Thank you for your support.” Rosien’s statement references charges against him from an alleged incident that occurred on January 7th. Rosien was charged with Sexual Abuse in the 3rd Degree a Class C Felony. The case is ongoing. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.