The Washington City Council met Tuesday. On the agenda under new business was the review of the downtown streetscape project phase two concept plan. The city utilized Fox Strand Associates out of Ames to assist in developing a budget for the project. The project includes a seven-block area of the downtown within three blocks of the square in multiple directions. And continues the downtown streetscape enhancements that were completed as part of the phase one project. City Councilwoman Elaine Moore had this to say on the project, “I guess I have concerns. Cost overrun. I know we’ve put in a pretty good amount but, again in today’s economy and how fast inflation has been going with it. I guess, I might as well lay this right out and about the streetscape. I think it’s beautiful, and I think we want it for our city at some point. I have no doubt that we want to do this, but there are several things. It comes down, for me, it comes down to wants and needs at a time with nearly nine percent inflation. Do we take care of our infrastructure, equipment, and employees?” Phase one of the project was completed in 2011 and included five blocks around the central park square and the interior square park. Cost of phase one was $1.8 million dollars. The project included remodel of the street section, sidewalk, curbs, some utilities, and streetscape amenities. The total estimated cost for Phase two of the project is $10,478,000.