
Earlier this month, Lone Tree’s National Honor Society held their annual Green-Out Game fundraiser. Through the support of students and community members alike, $1,500 were raised for the Iowa Donor Network. 

While a sea of green t-shirts flooded the gym for the basketball games, NHS members were hard at work, bringing to fruition a fundraiser that took months of planning. Those who attended were able to participate in a chuck-a-duck competition, raffle, and silent auction, with baskets donated by local businesses. NHS members also ran a brownie sundae table, filling the evening with fun and goodwill. 

The Green-Out Game at Lone Tree began as an FCCLA STAR event in 2011, and was taken over by the National Honor Society the following year. Since then, the event has given students the chance to exemplify what it means to be a member. As Treasurer for NHS, Braden Viers, puts it, “probably one of the biggest ones is to promote leadership in the school and service for our community”. 

Due to the generosity of everyone involved, this year’s Green-Out Game well-exceeded the $1,000 goal set by the NHS.