
On Saturday, February 25, members of the Riverside Volunteer Fire Department are hosting a drive thru box chicken meal. With successful events in years past, the department plans to provide approximately 1,000 meals to the community.

Beginning at 5 p.m. guests can enter the station lot via River Street to pick up their food. Meals will be cooked by members of the Riverside Fire Department, and also includes baked beans and coleslaw. The box chicken dinner is no cost, however free-will donations are welcome.

Fire Chief, Chad Smothers, tells KCII the department’s plans for donation money received during the event. “Right now we have a couple projects going on that this money will help with. One is updating the fitness equipment for the members for staying in physical shape. Also, we have some new tires, some upgrades in a different trailer for our Ranger UTV that we use on calls. Whatever money is left over will go towards helping with updating some aging extrication equipment that we use on vehicle accidents,” he explained.

In previous events, the department has sold out of meals in just over an hour. Despite planning for about 200 more meals this year, guests are encouraged to get there early, as it is first come, first serve.