Dr. Gene Takle will be talking at the Washington County Extension on April 6th at 2:30 pm. Dr. Takle is professor emeritus of agricultural meteorology in the Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University. Dr. Takle currently is the coordinating lead author on the Iowa Climate Assessment, a compilation and interpretation of the scientific literature on the variability, trends, and impacts of climate change in Iowa. This talk will provide a brief overview of changes in the global climate and why they are happening. Iowa’s climate is also changing in ways that are both favorable and detrimental to agriculture. These past and current trends in temperature, precipitation, and extreme events will be described and used in connection with currently used climate science methods to describe Iowa’s future climate trends over the next few decades. Pre-registration is not required but helpful to us. Please contact Brandi Dawson at the Washington County Extension and Outreach at 319-653-4811.