The Washington Demons continued their strong start to the new boys’ track and field season by winning the team title at yesterday’s Falcon Relays in West Burlington. Washington had 150 team points and five individual winners. The Demons’ 4-by-800-meter relay team of freshman Andrew Rees, sophomore Logan McDole, junior Micah Rees and senior Drew Horak were also winners, completing the course in eight minutes and 42 seconds.
Micah Rees went on to win the 1,600-meter run in just under 4:44, while two other Washington winners set school records in the process. Senior Elijah Morris won the 200 meters in 21.78 seconds, and senior Brayden Hartman had the top shot put of just under 56 feet nine inches. Hartman also won the discus with a top toss of an even 148 feet, while McDole rounded out the Demon victors by capturing the 400 meters. In total, Washington finished the Falcon Relays with 15 individual or relay-team finishers in third place or better in their event.