
The Wellman-Scofield Public Library is gearing up for an expansion project in their building, beginning later this spring. With the need to relocate during construction, library staff are looking for volunteers to help them move to their temporary space.

Newly-named Director for the Wellman-Scofield Public Library, Carrie Geno, spoke to KCII last month about the move and where they will house the library in the meantime. “We’re trying to get things rolling and hoping everything goes smoothly. If everything stays on schedule, we’re hoping to move out of here in May, and then hopefully construction will begin around June. We will be moving to the Driscoll Building in downtown Wellman.”

To prepare for the move, the library will be closed the first week of May. Volunteers who are able to assist in moving the books and shelving to the new location are requested during this time. Moving hours are flexible to accommodate as many volunteers as possible for any amount of time they are able to give. It is also an opportunity for students to get silver cord hours.

Anyone interested in helping with the moving process can stop by the library, give them a call at 319-646-6858, or fill out the  volunteer form on their website at wellmanlibrary.org.