The first bloom of spring color this April is the sparkling blue pinwheel gardens popping p all over Iowa for Child Abuse Prevention Month. Prevention councils statewide are undertaking a wide variety of awareness activities to educate communities on the role each of us can play in building better childhoods. The pinwheel is the symbol of childhood whimsy, and Child Abuse Prevention Month reminds us all that happy childhoods are built within healthy families and healthy communities. Other April activities include Wear Blue Day, blue lights, official proclamations by the Board of Supervisors, and other awareness and community-building events. These events bring visibility to an issue that is sometimes obscured by fear or secrecy while building the well-connected communities that are so essential in preventing abuse and neglect. Each county in Iowa has a Prevention Council made up of dedicated volunteers who work for happy childhoods through family support and education, community-building efforts, and policy solutions. These councils work in partnership with schools, healthcare providers, law enforcement, and other groups to support and strengthen families. Projects include prenatal and early childhood home visiting, education and support programs, and community engagement. Every Iowa county is unique, and each local prevention project is tailored to the needs and strengths of the community. You can find a link to a list of all April activities for Child Abuse Prevention Month with this news story at KCIIradio.com