Photo courtesy of Mid-Prairie CSD social media
Since an EF-4 tornado struck the Wellman and Kalona areas one week ago, community members have been tirelessly working to clean up the affected properties. On Thursday, students and staff in the Mid-Prairie Community School District joined in the efforts.
Over 52 high school staff members and students were out on the north and west sides of town, removing debris from yards and fields. While many worked outside, other students and staff were busy preparing 34 freezer meals for individuals and families still recovering. Not to be outdone, 261 middle school students and staff continued the hard work on Friday.
Cleanup efforts have been in full force in southeast Iowa, due in large part to the help of volunteers, and the Iowa Unit of Mennonite Disaster Services. Project Coordinator for MDS, Marty Roth, tells KCII, “We’ve had a super turnout. [I’m] very happy with that. We are getting close to being at the end of this event.” Roth went on to commend the volunteers in the Mid-Prairie community and beyond, who have demonstrated strong support and citizenship all week long.