Washington County 4-H will host a Pancakes & More Breakfast Fundraiser on Saturday, April 22, at the Washington County Fairgrounds in the basement of Dallmeyer Hall. All proceeds will go towards the 4-H enrollment fees for Washington County 4-Hers. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, and a drink for a free-will donation. Dine-in, drive-up, or carry-out will be available. KCII spoke with the pancake breakfast coordinator, Vicky Fisher, who has been running the event for the last thirteen years, about how this event began, “Well, we were looking for fundraising ideas, and they were just starting to do this open cattle show. Just in our brainstorming process, we said well, why don’t we serve breakfast that morning as well. As people are coming in and checking in their animals and getting ready, and not just for the cattle show people, but community people and 4-Hers and everything.” The breakfast is held in conjunction with an IJBBA Open Cattle Show sponsored by Washington County 4-H County Council and Washington County Fair Association that starts at 11 am which is open to the public to watch for free. There will be two show rings offering exhibitors two chances to show and compete. There is also a 4-H Horse Hitch Clinic running at 10 a.m. and 1pm at the horse arena open to the public to watch. Come let Washington County 4-Hers serve you on Saturday, April 22 for a great breakfast to support the Washington County 4-H youth. Questions may be directed to the Washington County Extension Office, 319-653-4811.