
The impending closure of Iowa Wesleyan University in Mt. Pleasant has created a sense of uncertainty for the Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra, which rehearses, performs, and operates out of Iowa Wesleyan University. SEISO will continue to operate, but they aren’t sure how. The orchestra is a true regional organization – it employs musicians from across the region, performs 15+ concerts annually, offers solo performance opportunities for local students, and brings educational performances to thousands of students across S.E. Iowa each year. The upcoming season finale on April 22-23, which features Stravinsky’s legendary Rite of Spring, will host the largest performing ensemble the group has ever brought to stage. There is a concerted effort to draw a record crowd of 1200 audience members over the weekend. So much so that the orchestra is offering a $1200 prize to a lucky concert goer to help attract new patrons to the seats – however in light of the news of Wesleyans closure, these efforts have taken on a new meaning as this could be the last time the organization performs at Iowa Wesleyan after 72 continuous seasons.