
While most students in southeast Iowa spent the last week of March in the classrooms, several students at Hillcrest Academy were in Costa Rica on an international mission. The trip was part of Hillcrest’s Service and Learning Term, which provides students with unique service experiences both home and abroad. 

Senior, Josiah Beachy, tells KCII how he and his classmates spent the week. “We served at a new church that had just been built a year ago. We helped them build a staircase, a new Sunday school room, and other various tasks.” The students also performed street evangelism, which consisted of giving food to homeless individuals and praying with them. 

While the trip focused heavily on service, the group did have one day of exploration, which included white water rafting. When it was all said and done, senior Jace Rempel, spoke on how the experience impacted everyone involved. “I think everyone connected with God a lot and really grew in their faith. That was something that was very helpful”. 

Other students on the trip included Grant Bender, Hannah Chalupa, Taryn Leichty, Abby Kacmarynski, Lydia Beachy, Malinee Mezhir, and Malia Yoder.