4-H and FFA sheep and goat exhibitors need to mark these dates for the official weigh-in and start dates to their market projects. Goat weigh-in is May 4 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the goat barn. Lambs will weigh in on May 6 from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. at the north hog barn on the Washington County Fairgrounds. All market lambs, feeder lambs, meat goats & dairy wethers must be weighed and tagged at these spring weigh-ins. All commercial ewe lambs and meat goat does must be tagged to be eligible to be shown at the Washington County Fair. There is a charge of $2.00 per ear tag paid at weigh-in. State Fair requirements for sheep and goats are members must determine by weigh-in which animals they intend to take to the State Fair; there is an $8 fee for each animal nominated for the state fair. Any lamb or goat nominated for the state fair must be retinal scanned at the spring weigh-in. 4-H families have the important Animal Identification deadline of May 15th to enter all weigh-in data or breeding animal information to 4hOnline. Contact the Washington County Extension Office 319-653-4811 with any questions about the spring weigh-ins or how to get involved as a volunteer or sponsor for 4-Hers and their livestock projects.