
Washington County Extension and Outreach will be offering the course called, Linking Literacy with Food: Read, Learn, Eat! This course teaches childcare providers new ways to connect with children and incorporate food-related activities in lessons with children’s books. The training will be offered on May 31 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Washington County Extension Office. There is no cost to attend this program; Washington County Extension is sponsoring the program. All childcare providers in the home daycare, community daycare, and preschool settings are welcome to attend. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offers training for childcare providers to teach best practices relative to nutrition, physical activity, health, and safety for children in their care. Each training is approved by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (IDHHS) and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) for two hours of credit for child care license renewal. Contact Sara Sprouse at 319-293-3039 with any questions. You can find a link to sign up for this course with this news story at