The Washington Rotary Club celebrated 100 years on May 4th with the Washington Chamber Ambassadors, community, and friends. The Washington Rotary Club was chartered on November 1, 1920, with 18 members. After COVID, the Rotary Club was able to celebrate their 100-year project, even though they are officially 102 years old. The Pavilion was started in 2020 and was finished and turned over to the City on Nov. 7, 2022. Washington Rotary meets every Thursday at noon at the YMCA of Washington County. Washington Rotary has recently been involved in applying for matching grants to support the library and the Performing Arts Center at the high school, along with their own donations. Their major fundraiser is the Annual Turkey Dinner. This supports the two scholarships they give each year to high school graduates. They also send two students to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, held at Grinnell College each year for a week in July. The Rotary Club also donates to the Y and to Washington Economic Development Group (WEDG). They continue to support the Polio Plus campaign to help eradicate that disease in the world. The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.