According to the Iowa Workforce Development, the state’s unemployment rate dropped to 2.7 percent in April from 2.8 percent in March. The number of Iowans with jobs increased by 5,800 during this time, bringing the total to 1,681,400.
Additionally, the state’s labor force added 4,300 workers, with a participation rate of 68.3 percent. Meanwhile the number of unemployed Iowans decreased from 48,300 in March to 46,800 in April.
The manufacturing sector added the most jobs in April, with over 1,400. Other gains were seen in durable goods factories, retail, wholesale trade, and healthcare. A survey of Iowa businesses showed that total nonfarm employment dropped to 1,592,800, the first loss since November of last year. Additional losses were in professional and business services, administrative support, waste management, and remediation services.
For more information about current and historical data, labor force data, nonfarm employment, hours and earnings, or jobless benefits by county, click here.