Women of Washington (WOW) is pleased to announce that it will be awarding a $500 college scholarship this year. Applicants must be female Washington County residents out of high school at least one year and must show a need for financial assistance. They may be currently enrolled in a college or vocational school, or they may have plans to do so in the near future. The WOW scholarship will be applied toward tuition cost at any accredited institution. Application materials are available at Washington Public Library, Wellman-Scofield Public Library, Kalona Public Library, and Washington Kirkwood Regional Center. Each applicant must complete a form, write a short paper, provide a copy of her most recent transcript, and furnish three references. All materials must be submitted by mail to: Patty Roe, 1433 West Main Street, Washington, Iowa 52353. The postmark deadline is July 1, 2023. Email pattyr2011@gmail.com for more information or an electronic copy of the application and reference forms.