
The 4-H sheep department will offer some educational opportunities to improve and further develop the sheep projects for 4-Hers in Washington County. Different topic areas will be covered at each meeting, while project leaders, a variety of producers, and sheep showmen will also be available for a question-and-answer session. June 22, 7 p.m. will be Showmanship practice in the ring with lambs.  Bring a 4-H lamb to work with while experienced showmen offer tips on what to do in the ring and how to make a better impression on the judge. Exhibitors are welcome to come even if they cannot bring lambs. The meeting will be in the main show ring on the Washington County Fairgrounds These workshops are open to all 4-Hers and FFA members who plan to exhibit sheep at the Washington County Fair.  Parents are encouraged to attend both meetings. Questions may be directed to Amy at the Washington County Extension Office, 319-653-4811