Those interested in running for the Mid-Prairie School Board now have the opportunity, as the district recently opened the election.
While the election itself will not be held until November 7 of this year, prospective candidates can begin filling out the necessary paperwork, which includes an Election Nomination Petition Form and an Affidavit of Candidacy.
Candidates must obtain at least 50 signatures on the Nomination Petition Form, however they are recommended to get more than 50 in the event that any are challenged and subsequently thrown out. The Affidavit of Candidacy must include the candidates name, signature, and office sought, while party affiliation should be left blank. The affidavit must also be signed in the presence of a Notary Public.
Once the paperwork has been completed, it can be filed as early as Monday, August 28, and no later than Thursday, September 21 at 5 p.m. With questions, contact Jeff Swartzentruber at jswartzentruber@mphawks.org. For a copy of the 2023 School Candidate Guide, the Nomination Petition Form, or the Affidavit of Candidacy, click here.