Area residents looking for a good meal this weekend are invited to a pancake breakfast Sunday sponsored by the Keota Music Boosters.
The breakfast, which is in its 27th year, will be held in the Keota High School Gym. They will be serving pancakes, eggs, sausage, fresh fruit, muffins, along with coffee, orange juice, and milk, donated by the Music Booster parents. Meals are available for a free-will donation, with the proceeds supporting Keota school musicians.
Music teacher at Keota, Jane Edwards, tells KCII how they plan to use the money received from the event. “With the advent of Covid, my music junior high classes got split and we added a keyboard lab. I am always needing to add keyboards. We always have honor band fees and honor band music, solo contests. We can always find a way to spend it.”
In addition to a meal, guests will also be treated to musical performances. EAGLEROCK! Keota’s show choir will perform first at 9:30 a.m. then again at 10:30 a.m, with additional performances from the fifth-grade band and sixth-grade band in between.
The Keota Music Boosters Pancake Breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs until 11 a.m.