
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley spoke with KCII News about Flag Day and why it is meaningful to him. “Every country has got a flag, but the people in those countries don’t have the freedoms and liberties we have in America. And what the American flag means to me is those freedoms and liberties we have under our Constitution that people in other countries don’t have. And I know there are other Democracies, but nobody has the constitutional rights that we have of freedom and liberty.” Flag Day is celebrated in America on June 14, commemorating the day the first flag resolution was passed. On June 14, 1777, less than one year after Betsy Ross had received the order from General Washington to make the first flag, the Second Continental Congress passed a flag resolution. The first national observance of Flag Day was on June 14, 1877, 100 years after the flag resolution was adopted by the Continental Congress.