The Washington County Extension Babysitting Basics Training Course graduated 23 youth from the week-long course on June 16. The goal of Babysitting Basics is to help youth become responsible babysitters. Special guests filled each day with their expertise and skills to better equipped these future babysitters. Washington Firefighter, Joey Wallace, discussed fire safety and gave each youth the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher. Babysitting Basics Instructor, Katie Reuman, focused on the business side of babysitting and what the employer or parents expect from a babysitter. Lisa Clark of Family Connection shared about the physical, mental, social, and emotional aspects of child development. Other topics in this week’s agenda include infant care and the steps involved in providing care for infants, toddler care, ages, and stages of young children with special guests from parents with youth that age. Basic first-aid and CPR were led by Washington County Ambulance. The week included a variety of activities and experiences to help enforce age-appropriate toys and activities to use when babysitting. The five-day course is sponsored by ISU Extension and Outreach-Washington County. This course is offered each year for youth who have completed 5th grade.