Earlier this week, Auditor of State Rob Sand released an audit report on the City of Sigourney for the year ending June 30, 2022.
The report produced five findings related to the receipt and disbursement of taxpayer funds. This includes issues such as lack of segregation of duties, a lack of bank and utility reconciliations, and a business transaction that may represent a conflict of interest. Sand provided recommendations to the City for each of the findings.
In regards to the lack of segregation of duties, the City of Sigourney is continuing to review its control procedures to obtain the maximum internal control possible for such areas as cash, receipts, utilities, and accounting systems. One of the Finance Committee members is now reviewing bank reconciliations each month, and the City Clerk’s office is reconciling the utility billings, collections, and delinquent accounts monthly. These reviews will be documented by the Mayor or a council member.
The potential conflict of interest refers to electrical work done for the city by Atwood Electric Inc. in the amount of $23,326. Since the total transactions were more than $6,000 and were not competitively bid, the City Clerk will consult the City’s Attorney regarding this matter.
With questions about the audit of the City of Sigourney, contact Deputy Auditor Ernest Ruben at 515-281-5834. To view the audit in its entirety, click here.