The winners of the Washington County Fair Dog show are as follows, in the pre-novice first-year category is Champion Elijah Statler with the Limecreek Livewires and reserve Champion Bryce Roth with the Horse and Pony Club. In the pre-novice B group is Champion Annie Morrison with the Bows and Bullets and reserve Champion Bethany Lengr with the Washington Hustlers. Sub-novice champion is Teage Pepper with the Horse and Pony Club, and the reserve Champion is Austin Black, also with the Horse and Pony Club. The novice Champion is Morgyn Nafziger with Bows and Bullets, and Reserve is Sophia Puttman with Limecreek Limelights. In the Graduate Novice class, Austin Black with the Horse and Pony Club was named Champion. Check our Washington County Fair page at Kciiradio.com for show results as we broadcast live throughout the week during our Big Red Radio Summer Town Tour.