Last week, eight Washington County cities were awarded grants by the Washington County Riverboat Foundation as part of its 2nd quarter Municipal Grants. Three of those cities were Brighton, Crawfordsville, and West Chester.
The largest of the three went to the City of Brighton, which received $11,087.49. Crawfordsville’s city grant totaled $6,719.68, while West Chester was awarded $3,023.85. Since 2006, WCRF has given over $682,000 to Brighton, more than $295,000 to Crawfordsville, and just over $158,000 to West Chester.
WCRF is the non-profit license holder for the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, which provides all of its funding. Each quarter, the Foundation distributes 25% of its total revenues to eight cities in Washington County, based on population. The funds are then programmed by each respective City Council. Since the opening of the casino in 2006, WCRF has given $14,745,911.05 in total Municipal Grants.