The Washington County Board of Supervisors heard a presentation from Fitch and Associates at their meeting on Tuesday. Fitch and Associates performed an audit of the Washington County EMS Services. Supervisor Jack Seward Jr. had this to say, “I believe it’s necessary for transparency on what we’re doing, on what the Ambulance Department is doing, the efforts that are being put forward and the efforts that are going to doing things in a right way to protect our county. So a lot of the things that they’ve talked about were already being implemented, let’s see, I believe we got our money’s worth. Like they said during the presentation, what recommendations they have given us are to save time, reduce errors, and improve the process. And I think, like I said, we got our money’s worth there, and we will continue working to improve the process.” The Washington County EMS Services will be implementing a new system on August 1st of this year to streamline their services.