
Tenley McGuire is a member of the Keota Eagle’s Nest Clover Kids and the daughter of Andy and Erin McGuire. She visited with judge Dana Rembold about her projects.

Over 50 Washington County 4-H Clover Kids conferenced with judges about their fair projects Saturday, July 15, during the non-livestock judging day for the Washington County Fair. While 4-H’ers were getting their non-livestock exhibits judged for Family & Consumer Sciences and Science, Mechanics & Engineering, Clover Kids also had their opportunity to visit with judges regarding their projects as well. Clover Kids are youth in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade who are involved in the 4-H program.  Again this year, they had the option to visit with an adult about their fair exhibit(s).  They were asked about their project, what they did, and what they learned.  All Clover Kids received special tie-dye ribbons for their exhibits and the opportunity to display them during the week of the fair. Projects were on display upstairs of Dallmeyer Hall each day of the fair last week. Conferencing with an adult allows Clover Kids the opportunity to experience conference judging which is a requirement of all 4-H exhibitors.  They will move up to a traditional 4-H club when they enter fourth grade.  At that time, they will conference with a judge and receive ribbons and premium money. Washington County currently has over 170 Clover Kids in ten clubs.