Golden Hawk parents and guardians are now able to register their students for the 2023-24 school year.
Returning Mid-Prairie students can be registered online using the forms button on the left side of the navigation bar in PowerSchool. For new students, a pre-registration form must first be filled out, including a valid email address for the parent or guardian. Once the form is reviewed by the building secretary, the parent or guardian will receive an email with the student’s access ID and password. The student can then be registered online through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
For those without access to a computer, registration can be completed at any attendance center on Wednesday, August 16 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can register all of your children at one location, and are not required to go to your child’s school of attendance.
Student fees may be paid online through Rev Trek, which is the preferred payment method, or by cash or check. If paying with cash or check, drop the payment off at your child’s attendance center.
For more registration information, including the pre-registration form and other necessary documentation, click here.