
A new endowment fund, in memory of local resident and educator BethAnn McBride, has been established with the Community Foundation of Washington County. The BethAnn McBride Scholarship Fund will support post-secondary scholarships for area high school seniors and will be administered through the St. James Foundation. Anyone may make a tax-exempt donation to this fund and be eligible to receive an Endow Iowa tax credit for their donation. Beth was a beloved music educator and school administrator in many schools throughout Iowa. She and her husband, Doug, made their home in Washington and were active in theater and musical groups in the community. Beth passed away in April of 2023 after a heroic battle with cancer. Individuals interested in making donations to this fund and others can visit the Community Foundation of Washington County’s website with the link in this news story at The CFWC was formed in 2006 and seeks to strengthen the communities of Washington County by promoting philanthropy, supporting non-profits, and helping donors fulfill their charitable goals. The foundation is overseen by a volunteer board of local citizens and permanently endows most of its assets, ensuring that gifts given will last forever.