
On June 26, the Henry County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop near 260th St. and Highway 34 for a traffic violation on a white Ford Mustang. The driver was identified as Nolan Welch Jr., 28, of Washington. During the traffic stop, the vehicle was searched, resulting in the seizure of narcotics and related items. Welch was arrested at that time for possession of marijuana and possession of psilocybin mushroom products, both serious misdemeanors. Welch was later additionally charged from this traffic stop with possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, a class C felony, possession of psilocybin mushroom product with intent to Deliver, a class C felony, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, a class D felony, and three failure to affix drug tax stamp violations, each are a class D felony. Welch was stopped again by the Henry County Sheriff’s Office on July 30th. The Henry County K-9 Unit was utilized on the vehicle. After a positive K9 alert on this vehicle and during a subsequent search of the vehicle, narcotics were located. Additional narcotics were found concealed on Welch’s person. As a result of this traffic stop investigation, Welch was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, a class C felony, possession of ecstasy with intent to distribute, a class B felony, two failure to affix drug tax stamp violations, each is a class D felony, and possession of marijuana. Welch is currently in custody at the Henry County Jail.