
The Washington County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday; they discussed a resolution regarding the approval of an application for transportation safety improvement program funding. Washington County Engineer Jacob Thorius explains further, “Funds from the DOT. In the past, we have applied for funds to pave shoulders on Riverside Road where we received a million and a half dollars for that road. G36, half a million dollars there. Wayland Road the last two miles, about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars over the last eight years or so. This year we are looking towards the future; we will be working on the W38 in a couple of years, part of that work is looking at widening it just a little bit and paving some shoulders there, especially at the North end with the series of curves up there. Seeking your support and approval to put in an application for a five hundred thousand dollar grant to help cover a portion of those costs.”  This funding would be used to pave shoulders on W38. The Supervisors approved the request.