At a ceremony on Saturday, WACO graduate Katie Leichty was one of two students to receive the Governor Terry E. Branstad Iowa State Fair Scholarship.
Leichty, who will be attending the University of Iowa this fall, participated in her first Iowa State Fair when she was just five months old. In her time showing cattle, she has collected nine awards at the Iowa State Fair, as well as competing in the 2022 Queen competition. Equally involved at WACO, Leichty was a multi-sport athlete, while participating in a variety of student organizations, including the National Honor Society, student council, and 4-H.
By earning the scholarship, which recognizes outstanding Iowa high school seniors who have actively participated in the Iowa State Fair, Leichty was awarded $2,500 for the 2023-24 academic year. The scholarship is named for Terry E. Branstad, a longtime Iowa governor and former U.S. Ambassador to China.