
The Iowa Workforce Development released its local area data for the month of July this week, with an increase in unemployment rates throughout the KCII listening area as well as the State.

The largest change in the last year was Keokuk County, whose unemployment rate for July was 3.7 percent. This was up 0.7% from July of last year, and 0.4 percent since June. At 3.8 percent, Henry County’s July unemployment rate did decrease since last month, but was 0.6 percent higher than this time last year.

Washington, Jefferson, and Louisa Counties, with rates at 2.7, 2.9, and 3.1 respectively, just saw a slight increase of 0.1 percent over the last month. Johnson County meanwhile increased just 0.2 percent in the last month and 0.3 percent since last year. Iowa County went unchanged at 2.5 percent.

For more information about current and historical data, labor force data, nonfarm employment, hours and earnings, and jobless benefits by county, visit iowalmi.gov.