
The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement between the Washington County Ambulance Service and Dr. David Nacos to provide specialty medical and management services at their Tuesday meeting. Dr. Nacos is a Family Medicine practitioner at Washington County Hospitals and Clinics. Washington County Ambulance Interim Director Katrina Altenhofen gives some insight, “This is just a contract that we have been working on; in speaking with Dr. Nacos this was something that he had requested, if you recall several months back, I worked with the Washington County Hospital and Clinics to get our professional agreement with them tidied up. As to what they are offering us and what we would offer for them. At that time it was not too muddy that water with Dr. Nacos’s medical director contract in there, and so that’s why we have the separate contract.” Dr. Nacos will serve as Medical Director and assist in the administrative direction of patient care services rendered by the Washington County Ambulance Service.