
At Wednesday’s Washington School Board meeting, the board heard a presentation from the Grant Wood Area Education Agency. Regional Administrator for Grant Wood Tina Hoffman explains some of the services that the Washington School District receives, “With our agency, we bring expertise in different areas, from the curriculum of literacy, math, science, social-emotional and behavioral and health support. A school psychologist. Lots of speech services are coming in. And we do do early access. Indicated those are for children, special ed services are for children three through twenty-one. We also, as an agency, provide services in your community from birth to three. Those are funded through the agency, but we are still part of the community through that early intervening work as well. That’s one way that we are supporting.” Iowa’s Area Education Agencies were created by the 1974 Iowa Legislature to ensure all children have equal educational opportunities. Grant Wood Area Education Agency is one of nine AEAs in the state and serves as an intermediate agency providing educational services to local schools.