
Several months after displaying his collection of nativities at Hills Bank in Washington, Mike Zahs has learned that he had broken the Guinness World Record. Zahs agreed to display his entire collection as part of the Tour of Homes event coordinated by the Washington Chamber of Commerce. While the collection was on display, Zahs and others worked to submit an application to Guinness attempting to break the record titled “Largest Collection of Nativity Sets”. After submitting the application for initial review and later submitting the list of extensive required evidence, Zahs is now the current record holder, with  2,324 nativities. The collection was on display at Hills Bank in Washington from late November until the end of January. While the actual display was closer to 2600 nativities, some had to be excluded from the world record count due to requirements of Guinness World Records. Each nativity was required to have Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and at least one of the following: angels, three wise men, shepherds, animals, a star, or a stable.