
Above average rainfall in southern Iowa led to 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork statewide during the week ending September 17, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Field activities included harvesting corn and soybeans. Some farmers were also working on their fourth cutting of alfalfa hay.

Topsoil moisture condition rated 34 percent very short, 45 percent short, 20 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 37 percent very short, 43 percent short, 19 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus.

Corn in the dent stage or beyond was 96 percent this week, six days ahead of last year and 11 days ahead of the five-year average. Sixty-three percent of the State’s corn crop has reached maturity, eight days ahead of both last year and normal. Corn harvested for grain reached five percent statewide, roughly one week ahead of both last year and the average. Moisture content of field corn being harvested for grain was at 22 percent. Corn condition improved slightly to 48 percent good to excellent. Soybeans coloring or beyond reached 86 percent, six days ahead of both last year and the average. Soybeans dropping leaves or beyond was at 52 percent this week, six days ahead of last year, and five days ahead of normal. Three percent of the soybean crop has been harvested. Soybean condition also rose slightly to 47 percent good to excellent.

Pasture conditions rated 15 percent good to excellent. Getting water to livestock continued to be a challenge for producers this week, with reports of livestock taken off pastures where ponds and creeks have dried up.