The Washington County Board of Supervisors held a discussion at their Tuesday meeting about the Wellman Communications Tower that was lost in tornadoes that struck the county last March. Supervisor Jack Seward Jr. gives an update, “Given us the indication that they may not rebuild that tower. Long story short, apparently, they believe that it’s more financially liable to them to build either closer to or in the city limits of Wellman. So, what that means is, if they move that tower, it’s going to mean a fully new start with the permitting process, which would likely push back any build on the tower and get that leg of our system up. The other option if we want to build our own tower. A rough estimate of what it would cost us to build our own tower would be between four hundred and four hundred and fifty thousand dollars.” The Supervisors will continue discussing the matter and open a public hearing in the future to gain insight from the public.