U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley recently made floor remarks about Government-Run Healthcare systems failing patients, here are some of his remarks, “They were studies that were done in England and Canada. We don’t want what’s wrong with the healthcare systems in England and Canada to come to the United States. They’re Government-run programs. And when you have Government-run programs people don’t have a choice, and people don’t get the proper treatment like they get in the United States. And we’ve got people in the United States that are advocating for Medicare for all, or socialized medicine, and that’s what they have in Canada and Great Britain and most of Europe, and we don’t want that in the United States. They have longer waiting times, I even gave an example that in British Columbia, Canada, if you’re going to get treatment for certain diseases, you’re going to get it in the state of Washington in the United States. That’s how bad the situation is in British Columbia; you’re going to come to the United States to get proper treatment.” Senator Grassley closed his statement by saying that he is working to lower the cost of prescription drugs; maintain access to rural health care; ensure our nation’s seniors can have high-quality affordable hearing aids; address high maternal mortality rates; and lastly, improve the care delivery system for kids with complex medical needs.