
Five KCII area schools will be represented in Fort Dodge this week at the Iowa High School Cross Country State Championships. The class 3A Washington boys qualified for State as a team with a second-place finish at the state qualifier in Pella. Senior Micah Rees was second individually. The Washington boys race Saturday, October 28th at 2:45 PM. For the  Washington girl’s cross country team, Sophomore Iris Dahl qualified for State individually in fifth at  Pella. Dahl was sixth individually at state last season. She will race Saturday, October 28th at 2 PM

In class 2A, Mid-Prairie girls qualified for State as team champions at the Williamsburg qualifier. This is the ninth straight season they have qualified as a team. They finished fifth as a team at state last year. Senior Danielle Hostetler is the three-time defending Class 2A State Champion. They will race Saturday, October 28th at 10:30 AM. The Mid-Prairie boys qualified for 2A State as a team in third place at Williamsburg. This is their fourth straight trip.  They finished 13th as a team at state last year.  They will race Saturday, October 28th at 11:15a.m.

In Class 1A girls Hillcrest Academy freshman Marie Yoder qualified for State as an individual. She was the champion of the Iowa City Kickers state qualifier meet. Yoder will race at 2PM Friday, October 27th. In Class 1A boys, Winfield-Mt. Union’s Kohlby Newsom qualified for State as an individual. He finished third at the Iowa City Kickers state qualifier meet. He was 43rd at state last season. Newsom will race Friday, October 27th at 2:45p.m. In Class 1A boys and girls, Columbus’ Iris Garza and Damian Vergara qualified as individuals. Garza was third at the Iowa City Kicker’s state qualifier meet. She is the first Columbus girls qualifier since 1996. She will race at 2PM Friday, October 27th. Vergara was eighth at the Iowa City Kicker’s state qualifier meet. He is the first four time qualifier in the 53 year history of the program. He will race Friday, October 27th at 2:45p.m.